Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator Review

What is the product about?

Offered by Rita Lasker, Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is a set of Forex indicators that claim to be able to show market movements.

What is the product?

Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is a set of Forex indicators from Rita Lasker. They are Meta Trader 4 compatible and Rita Lasker says that they should be universal i.e. working with any time frame or currency pair. Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator shows entry signals but it is worth noting doesn’t provide any exit signals. To rectify this Rita Lasker recommends using one of her own products, Trailingator which leads me to believe that Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is mainly a part of a sales funnel. In terms of the quality of Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator, Rita Lasker herself recommends trading in trial mode in the first instance and even confesses that she only uses it with other indicators as a trend tool.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is free and this is the main thing to have in mind in my opinion. If you don’t have an existing trading set up though it is worth keeping in mind that there may be costs incurred in getting going. The rate of return isn’t touched on but I wouldn’t expect fantastic results from what Rita Lasker says about Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator.

Does the product provide value for money?

As it is free, I believe that Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator would provide value for money existing traders but for those who are starting out, I don’t believe that this would be the case.


Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is something of a double edged sword. It is quite apparent that the overall quality is going to be somewhat lacking, but the price (or lack thereof) alone makes this worth a look.

Either way, I doubt that this is going to blow your world open but for the kind of Forex trader who is always looking to try something new you could probably do worse than Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator.

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