What is the product about?
Trade Vigilante is a piece of trading software that allegedly uses a secret trading market that is used by banks and large corporations for profit.
What is the product?
Trade Vigilante is software that the seller claims taps into a top secret, super profitable by the top banks and biggest corporations in the United States to generate steady profits. This supposed secret trading market is apparently guaranteed to be profitable as it only follows predictable movements allowing anybody using it for trading can only profit. The seller claims that Trade Vigilante is entirely automated and because of the predictable nature of the secret management makes it minimal risk. In terms of the software the only information provided is that it was passed on to the seller by a secretive group of rogue traders who call themselves The Trade Vigilantes (hence the name of the software).
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Trade Vigilante costs $39 which the seller claims is to cut out time wasters and make sure that the only people who get the software is are those who are serious about it. There is a 60 day money back guarantee in place as well should you be unhappy with the product. In terms of returns on your investment they are claimed to be very high with the seller of Trade Vigilante claiming to have made $1,476,337.34 in less than 12 months.
Does the product provide value for money?
If the product performs as advertised it is undoubtedly value for money but since I have a lot of doubts about its ability to do that I cannot make that call.
The seller of Trade Vigilante seems to be more interested in tryig to get you to believe his story rather than selling you a product that works. The story itself is one that I have seen on a few different products, all of which are also similar to this one. Somewhere there are a group of young multi-millionaires who have made their fortunes using some hidden or unknown trading method.
These are always underground and always dangerous although the details differ here, in the case of Trade Vigilante it is big corporations operating the trading market with Congress trying to close this market so normal traders cannot use it for profit. Of course there is no evidence that there is any truth to this which casts huge doubts over the abilities of the software.
Personally I wouldn’t use Trade Vigilante if it were free, so I certainly wouldn’t pay for it.