Created by Nemo Ferrante, The Italia Job is an email based tipping service for Italian football in Serie A and B.
What is the product?
Nemo Ferrante claims that he has made money through betting on Italian Football for a long time, firstly before the match fixing scandal broker over in Italy, and perhaps more importantly afterwards. He says that this was through constructive statistical analysis that ultimately ended in the creation of The Italia Job. The tips are win or draw based and will allegedly generate profit every match day. There are also several bonus products provided that link in with The Italia Job. These are comprised of a Betfair exploit that can increase your profit (although it is not stated how), a staking plan that Nemo Ferrante says will increase your ROI by over 127% and finally an additional betting system based around home game advantages that can be used in any league.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
The Italia Job is available for £32 which looks to be a one off payment although this isn’t explored in any detail. As The Italia Job is sold through ClickBank there is a 60 day full money back guarantee in place. In terms of profits, Nemo Ferrante claims that he makes an average of £9,247 each month using The Italia Job. This is based on 33 points which would mean that the stakes involved are very high to attain this kind of result.
Does the product provide value for money?
For reasons I shall explore below I don’t believe that The Italia Job does provide value for money.
Where to start with The Italian Job? On paper the results look good but the fact is there is something about the product that feels off. This may just be down to a very off Italian accent on the sales video or the claims of income that frankly, I find hard to believe. Personally, I don’t like it and I would look elsewhere but that’s just my personal opinion.