Article Wings Review

What is the product about?

Designed by Edmund Loh and James Y, Article Wings is a product that gives users access to some of their pre written articles for publication on a blog or site.

What is the product?

Article Wings provides users with 20 articles authored by Edmund Loh and James Y’s writer. The articles are designed to be used by those who do not wish to create their own content or don’t have time. The articles are claimed to be search engine friendly and Edmund Loh and his business partner James Y claim that their product will generate traffic for your website or blog. There are also two “bonuses” supplied. One is a copy of another of the creators products, 5 mins CPA as well as access to any other articles published by their writer.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Article Wings sells for $17 or 85 cents per article. There is no way of measuring any rate of return on the products because of their nature.

Does the product provide value for money?

So the big question here is whether or not this Article Wings represent value for money? At less than $1 per article it is hard to argue that this isn’t a value product. Where it falls down though is Article Wings is really a one off purchase. It represents a short term solution to any possible slowdown in terms of content.


If you need a quick fix for content for a website or blog based around making money online then this may not be a bad reserve but there is absolutely zero longevity in the program. Once your articles have been used they are gone and you are $17 worse off. The clam that their articles are search engine friendly is also a little misleading as one of the things most search engines do is look to see if that information is on other sites, if it is then this devalues a websites search rankings.

If you consider how many hundreds, maybe even thousands of people who have used the same articles of you this reduces their SEO worth to zero. All this combines to create a product that I don’t understand the market of, nor how anyone can profit for it so all I can recommend is staying well away.

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