Provided by John Lagoudakis, CB Review Blogging is a training course on blogging and how to monetise your blog.
What is the product?
John Lagoudakis uses CB Review Blogging to provide advice on how to get started with blogging covering everything from setting up a website, choosing the right products to promote and getting traffic to your page. CB Review Blogging seems to work on the basis that once you have followed the advice and set up your web page you can begin to generate income through AdSense or affiliate marketing. CB Review Blogging is sent to you on a CD by John Lagoudakis.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Technically CB Review Blogging is free but John Lagoudakis charges $6.95 for shipping and handling of the product. When you reach the pay screen for CB Review Blogging you will automatically be opted in to a free trial for MarketingDotCom magazine which will renew itself at a cost of almost $30 per month unless you cancel. In terms of potential revenue from CB Review Blogging, it is at its heart a training course and so provides no direct income. That aside you will ultimately end up with a blog and it will likely take a lot of time and hard work in order to make money from this.
Does the product provide value for money?
For reasons I will outline blow I don’t believe that CB Review Blogging does provide value for money.
The level of training that John Lagoudakis operates at with CB Review Blogging is incredibly basic and that doesn’t seem to be something that most people looking at the product will need. Even if you are a complete newbie to blogging the majority of CB Review Blogging is information that you can find elsewhere for free with very little effort.
I also find that the way John Lagoudakis sets up the page so you automatically sign up for the magazine is very questionable and this puts me off the product further.