CurationSoft Review

What is the product about?

Developed by Peter Lenkefi and Jack Humphrey, CurationSoft is content curation software that is designed to streamline finding and linking to content for your blog/website.

What is the product?

Curation soft is designed to find content from 18 different of websites that produce content (i.e. WordPress or Blogger) or even sell products (i.e. Amazon or eBay). It then generates links in its own window that you can simply drag and drop over to the HTML part of whatever platform you use for blogging (e.g. WordPress or Blogger) and the software formats it automatically for you so you get a professional finish With YouTube links embeds the video straight into the page with a description as well.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

There are 3 levels available which are free, pro and lifetime and they are free, $47 and $97 respectively. The difference between them is that the Pro and Lifetime allow full searching on all 18 sites whereas the free version only lets you get content from Google Blogs. The difference between the Pro and Lifetime is purely how long they last with the Pro being a year long subscription, whereas the licence for the Lifetime never expires. There isn’t a rate of return advertised but as this isn’t a product that generates direct revenue this is only to be expected really.

Does the product provide value for money?

I think that there’s a lot of potential in CurationSoft and that it can genuinely be used to make running and operating a blog simpler and more efficient. I don’t think the cost is prohibitive and you always have the option to try the free service to start and then go Pro before committing to a lifetime licence which lets you really trial the system. Yes you can probably do what CurationSoft does for you for free but assuming that you can’t put a price on your time it definitely provides value for money in that regard.


This is a great bit of software that really does seem to make operating a blog a lot easier allowing you to quickly and easily compile quality content for your visitors. Obviously it’s not fully automated as it’s up to the user to decide what content they want to post to their blog, but really this is one aspect you shouldn’t want automated. This looks like the kind of thing that will be right for those who want a small online revenue stream without dedicating their whole lives to creating content.

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