Daily Binary Profits Review

What is the product about?

Daily Binary Profits provides users with free indicators on binary trading. In order to access these you have to sign up with an approved broker.

What is the product?

Daily Binary Profits is a piece of downloadable software that uses indicators to show users whether currency pairs will be worth more or less. The software is able to do this for both short and long term trades to suit a variety of users. Daily Binary Profits is claimed to be able to do this for 120 signals each and every day with a claimed success rate of 87% or 91% depending on where you look. In terms of how the software is able to do this, it is something that simply isn’t touched upon. Instead Daily Binary Profits expects us to take it at face value that it is able to achieve this.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Technically Daily Binary Profits is free but as is the case with many “free” binary options trading products you are required to sign up with an approved broker. Daily Binary Profits offers two such brokers in the form of Banc de Binary and Optionfair. Although I didn’t research fully, both of these will likely have a minimum deposit amount of anywhere between $250 and $500. In terms of the return on your investment this is very much dependent on which number you choose to believe. Daily Binary Profits throws so many different “profit” figures it is difficult to figure out what exactly it is they are claiming you can make.

Does the product provide value for money?

For reasons I shall outline below I don’t think that Daily Binary Profits is value for money.


Daily Binary Profits is a part of a wider trend offering free binary options indicators or software. Where Daily Binary Profits is able to stand out from the crowd is that it offers some evidence of the indicators working. Even if this is only a short video showing two short term trades. In the main these products don’t seem to be worth the effort as they exist solely as a way for marketers to gain commission from binary brokers. Although Daily Binary Profits is able to look more attractive than most others in this category I am still unconvinced that it is a legitimate money making method though so I will maintain the stance that these products require a lot of caution going in.



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