What is the product about?
Developed by Kevin Draper, Golden Goose Method is a piece of binary options trading software.
What is the product?
Kevin Draper says that Golden Goose Method is entirely automated and that you can profit by making trades as low as $20. In order to get access to Golden Goose Method you must sign up with Kevin Draper’s chosen broker, Banc 54. Once you are signed up you can start using Golden Goose Method which Kevin Draper says you can’t go wrong with as the software doesn’t allow room for error, mistakes or judgement as the software is entirely automated. He also says that Golden Goose Method is able to work quicker than other pieces of software allowing you to follow trends and exploit them before other traders.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Kevin Draper does not charge for Golden Goose Method but as mentioned you do have to sign up Banc 54. In terms of the returns on your investment they are as ranged as $1,000 per day in the testimonials right through to Kevin Draper’s claim that he makes over $450,000 in a month with Golden Goose Method.
Does the product provide value for money?
Even though it is free I don’t believe that Golden Goose Method does represent value for money.
Sticking to the recent trend of binary options trading software, Golden Goose Method is affiliated with a single broker. There is no real evidence that Golden Goose Method provides the results advertised which only leads me to reach the same inevitable conclusion.
The only people that really benefit from this kind of product are the sellers who gain commission and the brokers who get deposits, assuming they aren’t the same people. As always with this kind of product I am forced to conclude that they are unlikely to be worthy of further exploration unless you wish to place the minimum deposit at risk (in the case of Blanc 54 $250).