Odds Catcher Review

What is the product about?

Odds Catcher is a website that is designed to provide users with a number of betting methods and money making methods.

What is the product?

Odds Catcher offers a number of services through their website which include a few different betting methods as well as exploiting certain websites loopholes to generate income. The betting systems look to back to lay and arbitrage systems both of which are advertised as being “risk free”. The bets that are highlighted are produced by Odds Catcher’s unique software which looks at both Irish and UK races. The creators of Odds Catcher say that using their arbitrage system you will learn to bet on every horse in certain races. In terms of the money making exploit, Odds Catcher hold their cards close to their chest only saying that it involves an alleged loophole on Bet 365 that can earn users massive profit with very little investment.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Odds Catcher is available for £57 per month with no money back guarantee in place. That having been said as it is a subscription based service you are also free to cancel at any point. For your investment Odds Catcher claim that you can make as much as £2,000 per month.

Does the product provide value for money?

If you view Odds Catcher as separate products then the pricing looks much more reasonable, although I’m not convinced that it provides enough for the money. The Bet 365 loophole is the only thing that Odd Catcher is offering that isn’t available elsewhere for cheaper, but it is doubtful as to whether the monthly costs justify this curiosity.


The presentation for Odds Catcher is top notch with high production value videos and a professional website. Unfortunately when you start peeling back the exterior it becomes apparent that Odds Catcher doesn’t really differ from current services that most bettors already have in their portfolio. As mentioned above the loophole is something of a curiosity but I fail to see how a company as large as Bet 365 will allow a loophole that enables “as much as £500” to be drained from their accounts each month to stay open.

One of the major points of contention with Odds Catcher is that they provide no proofing instead showing a large number of emails from alleged clients who have had their betting accounts closed. This is not tangible to me and leaves a lot of doubt as to the legitimacy of the product.

One thought on “Odds Catcher Review

  1. Dear Simon,
    Your sub heading says,”Fully researched products and services”.
    With regards to Oddscatcher can you tell me your concerns regarding the market movers section, as there seems to be no mention of this in your review. This is a back to lay service, clients get their emails in advance regarding selections, price advised to back and to trade to out between 9:30am and 10am each day. There is a spreadsheet of results as well.

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