The page for $100k Affiliate, unlike others from these vendors, is short and precise. It sets out what the product has to offer without any videos or boring sob-stories, and there are very few ‘customer comments’ on the page, so that’s good too. If there’s one thing that seriously turns me away from products like this, it’s when more effort has been put into the website than the product itself. We don’t need to know about your aunt’s cousins’ friend’s pet dog. Keeping it plain and simple is the way to go.
You get access to a member’s page where you can download the three PDF manuals and access the other materials that are on offer. The main manual has 134 pages. It is well written and illustrated with screenshots where appropriate. It explains the basics of marketing, and takes you step by step through building your first site. It covers choosing a niche, keyword research, picking products to promote, setting up a WordPress site, driving traffic, as well as more. There is also a 14-day, step-by-step action plan to get you started.
In addition, you get a 112-page “Internet Marketing Training Program”. This is more broad than the main manual. It covers general business-related ideas like setting up a PayPal account, using search engines correctly, deciding what form of business to use, etc. It doesn’t refer much to the main guide and there is a fair amount of overlap but it’s still a useful resource to have.
I thought $100k Affiliate was a good introduction to online marketing. The manual covers all the main subjects you need to know about, and the training videos in are a valuable extra resource.
I do recommend $100k Affiliate if you want to learn more about marketing and gain some useful tips, $100k Affiliate is worth a look.