Value Seeker Review

What is the product about?

Created by Anthony Gibson, Value Seeker is a horse racing tipster service.

What is the product?

Value Seeker seems to be based on the fact that Anthony Gibson is a horse racing fanatic. Unfortunately Value Seeker is not even vaguely forthcoming with the system it uses to generate selections. The only real information that is provided is that Anthony Gibson has been away and experimenting with trading on Forex markets but has now created his newest system in the form of Value Seeker.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Anthony Gibson has made Value Seeker available for a trial period of £25 for a month with intent to raise the price to £65. Unfortunately there is also no mention of a money back guarantee. In terms of the rate of return, this is the one place that Value Seeker is happy to talk about itself. Anthony Gibson says that using £100 bets Value Seeker has made himself £33,400 in 3 months (between July and September).

Does the product provide value for money?

For reasons I shall discuss below I don’t believe that Value Seeker does represent value for money.


The biggest issue that I take with Value Seeker is the lack of information provided by Anthony Gibson about his system. The only thing that the product really seems to be selling is the idea of making a fortune with little effort. There are proofing results available but these only cover a very small window which is rather suspicious.

This leads me to believe that the results are not typical and that recent performance may not be up to standards that are advertised. Personally I’d look elsewhere for a tipster service that provides more insight and better proofing results.

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