What is the product about?
Betfan is a website that offers a number of betting systems, proofing and betting related blogs.
What is the product?
Betfan opens on a home page that is mostly focussed on the blogging aspect. Having had a flick through these they look to be quite interesting and engaging. Then there is the bulk of Betfan which is the sale of their various products. There are a substantial number of them amounting to over 30 covering football, horse racing, rugby and even golf. Some of these products have been reviewed here already and they seem to be pretty decent in the main. If you are interested in any of their services as wells as the proofing you can take a look at the top performing products.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
As a site Betfan is free to access and view although many of their betting systems will cost (although the amount vary) you in the main. The same line of thought can also be applied to the return on investment.
Does the product provide value for money?
Given the fact that Betfan is free and worth a look at if you are involved in betting professionally, I think yes it does.
The content covered by Betfan is varied and opens up a lot of different avenues for bettors. The fact that all the proofing data for their products are available is a boon as this is information that is usually missing on products. As well as the obvious stuff they also have links to a large number of different bookmakers detailing the offers that are currently on. This can really help your money go further as many of them will offer to match your bets up to a certain amount. Betfan is definitely worth checking out, especially if you are looking to expand your portfolio as it covers so many different sports in different ways.