What is the product about?
Betfair Trading Community is a website for Betfair market traders to share trading information and advice.
What is the product?
Betfair Trading Community claims to offer a place for Betfair traders to come together and discuss their various trading strategies and provide general support and advice. On top of this there are a few other things on offer such as competitions, betting strategies and video tutorials. Betfair Trading Community make it quite clear that they are not offering a tipping service, but that peer support will instead equip you with the necessary means to make informed market trades. Betfair Trading Community say that they cover a variety of sports but all that is explicitly mentioned is football, tennis and horse racing.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Betfair Trading Community sells for £7 per month although the first month is available at a discounted rate of £3. There doesn’t appear to be any money back guarantee but you can cancel the service at any time because (as the creators of Betfair Trading Community point out) there is no contract in place. In terms of the return on your investment, I don’t believe that there will be any direct or measurable income. As the product uses peer support there is no way of making an educated guess as it is difficult to know what advice you will be receiving.
Does the product provide value for money?
I don’t think Betfair Trading Community does provide value for money. I don’t really see anything on offer here that isn’t already available on the Betfair forums.
Betfair Trading Community seems like a good idea and if you could get some of the larger Betfair traders then there would certainly be some potential to make the product work. Where I think Betfair Trading Community start to fall down though is that the kind of Betfair users that would be required to make something like this work are likely already selling their systems privately and certainly wouldn’t look to pay for the privilege of sharing their knowledge.
Some people would try and argue that there are still a huge number of other Betfair users who could add to the service and this may well be the case, but again one is forced to consider why anybody would pay for access to something that Betfair already provide themselves for free. In actual fact, the community already in place at Betfair is staggeringly large covering all manner of sports. It feels like Betfair Trading Community is trying to create a niche that simply doesn’t exist.