Betting Mole Review

What is the product about?

Developed by Julian Bell, Betting Mole is a horse racing tipster service.

What is the product?

Betting Mole is an email based subscription tipping service. Emails are presumed to be sent out daily but the reality is there is very little information provided by creator, Julian Bell. Instead he seems to be wrapped up in creating a sales page that paints all bookies as the bad guys because he had a gambling problem and nearly lost all his money. Now though, he projects himself as a stalwart antihero who won’t back down from alleged attempts to shut down his website and system. In terms of the tips themselves and the actual information available, Betting Mole’s tips are claimed to come from a contact of Julian Bell’s who works within the horse racing industry. Naturally Julian Bell cannot divulge any information about his alleged contact in order to protect said contact’s job and security.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Betting Mole is available for £29.95 per month with VAT on top of that amount. There is also a full 60 day money back guarantee provided. In terms of your return on this investment the amounts vary rather substantially in some cases.

The main claim is highlighted on a graph that shows a little over £60,000 profit over a 39 week period. Then there are the two testimonials that claim to have earned £11,677.82 in a single month and another that claims £3,211.89. Both represent substantial figures and although it isn’t mentioned, it would be interesting to see what their stakes were to achieve that rate of return.

Does the product provide value for money?

If Betting Mole can deliver the profits that it says then it absolutely represents value, unfortunately in the face of a lack of evidence it is necessary to point out that it is a big if.


There is not enough evidence provided by Betting Mole to truly buy into their sales pitch. The fact that Julian Bell seems far more wrapped up in creating the idea of getting one over the bookies rather than the product speaks volumes.

With some kind of proofing it would be easier to be lenient with Betting Mole, but the simple fact is that there is nowhere near enough information for this to be something I can recommend.

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