Soccerstato Review

What is the product about?

FTS Income present Soccerstato, a database of statistics and odds relating to football games as well a few betting systems.

What is the product?

Soccerstato database covers a huge amount of footballing statistics. FTS Income claim that data is provided on over 3,500 teams in 480 leagues and 81 different countries with over 900 statistics for each event. FTS Income say that using the information contained in Soccerstato it allows bettors to gain an edge in terms of Betfair and other trading markets. As the data covers a massive variety of statistics such as number of goals, previous scores and winning/losing streaks it allows users to create their own betting systems as well as Soccerstato providing a few basic systems “out of the box”.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Soccerstato is available for £279 which provides you with a 6 month license. After this period of time FTS Income charge £30 a month in order to get continued access. There is a 14 day free trial in place for Soccerstato but there is no mention of a money back guarantee. In terms of rate of return FTS Income say that their primary purpose is to educate and this is shown in the content of Soccerstato. Because of this it is hard to say what the rate of return is.

Does the product provide value for money?

If you are looking to develop a betting system based around football then you may find something of value in Soccerstato. As to whether or not it provides value for money, I think that will depend on how much you want to put into it.


FTS Income have put something a little bit different on the table with Soccerstato and so it’s rather challenging weighing in on it. I think that there are definitely some interesting parts to it and to the right kind of person Soccerstato could well be an invaluable tool. To the average punter I think that the product will seem overly convoluted with most casual bettors preferring a tipping service or a step by step betting system as opposed to something where you have to put in the work yourself.

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