What is the product about?
Trap Nap is a pay to win greyhound racing tipping service. As it is pay to win there are no monthly subscription costs.
What is the product?
Trap Nap provide their tips via email and they are typically sent out a few times per week. This is because Trap Nap only likes to send out tips when they are confident that they have a “Nap”. This is whereby trainers will hold back a dog or prime it for a certain race. Nap Trap uses its alleged network of contacts to obtain information on when one of these dogs will be running and passes that information on to its subscribers. The emails are pre-empted by an email offering users the choice to receive the tip or not. If users choose not to they will simply receive an option on the next tip as normal. Supplied with the tips is staking advice allowing users to maximise their profits whilst minimising risk.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Trap Nap is pay to win so your investment in the program will vary from week to week depending on the number and quality of tips available. Trap Nap claim that you will never pay more than £10 (plus VAT) for a given selection. Based off the small number of tips that are on offer it seems unlikely that Trap Nap will ever cost you more than £180 per month. Although this sounds like a lot on paper, especially compared to some subscription services you will only pay if a dog wins.
That means that you have theoretically already profited before you have to pay. In terms of rate of return here isn’t really any specific mention. Given that Trap Nap is pay to win it seems unlikely that they want users to do anything but profit so that is likely. In terms of amount of revenue, as with any betting system it can vary massively from race to race.
Does the product provide value for money?
Since you only pay if you win with Trap Nap, it is rather difficult to view the whole package as anything but value for money.
Trap Nap differs from its competitors in that you are literally only paying if you win. That means that you should have already profited before you have to consider paying out. The reality of the situation is the only thing you stand to lose is your initial stake and this is a risk with any betting system. Overall I think Trap Nap presents an interesting option and there certainly doesn’t seem to be much in the way of risk should you choose to give it a go.