About admin

My Name is Simon Richards, and I am a writer, and reviewer.

CB Review Blogging Review

Provided by John Lagoudakis, CB Review Blogging is a training course on blogging and how to monetise your blog.

What is the product?

John Lagoudakis uses CB Review Blogging to provide advice on how to get started with blogging covering everything from setting up a website, choosing the right products to promote and getting traffic to your page. CB Review Blogging seems to work on the basis that once you have followed the advice and set up your web page you can begin to generate income through AdSense or affiliate marketing. CB Review Blogging is sent to you on a CD by John Lagoudakis. Continue reading

My Advertising Pays Review

Created by Michael Deese, My Advertising Pays is an advertising platform that lets people earn money by viewing websites and also getting theirs viewed by users.

What is the product?

There are 3 key components to My Advertising Pays, the first is promoting your website through the advertising network, the second is earning revenue from viewing other people’s websites and finally there is an aspect of multi-level marketing involved in that you can get paid for whatever people you recruit spend on Michael Deese’s credits. These credits are at the heart of My Advertising Pays as you need them to look at websites and make your money as well as needing them to have your website viewed. Capital generated is then paid into an e-wallet where it is stored. Viewing a website seems to simply require it to be open for 10-30 seconds and you have to view 10 websites per day which means it isn’t exactly time consuming. Continue reading

Social Scalper Review

Created by Daniel Valck, Social Scalper is a piece of binary options trading software that takes advantage of social media chatter to predict the market.

What is the product?

Social Scalper is a trading bot for binary options created by Daniel Valck, an alleged social scientist and psychologist. He says that whilst discussing the nature of trading with his brother in law the idea of comparing market trends with social media feedback and chatter. The results allegedly lined up and the idea for Social Scalper was born. The bot is claimed to monitor social network sites and uses this to determine changes in market trends. Although the differences are minute according to Daniel Valck, they are substantial enough to generate a profit. In order to gain access to Social Scalper, you must register with one of 3 approved brokers. These are Platinum Trader, Vault Options and 2 Options. Continue reading

Solo Ad Solution Review

What is the product about?

Created by Sam Zahedi, Solo Ad Solution is a training manual for using solo ads for marketing products.

What is the product?

Coming in the form of a 74 page PDF Solo Ad Solution is the sum of Sam Zahedi’s knowledge on the subject. Sam Zahedi claims that solo ads are cheaper than traditional marketing methods and also capable of generating up to ten times the traffic of aforementioned methods. Solo ads are basically adverts that other online marketers will send out to their user base, usually in the form of an endorsement. This is helpful as it means you are usually advertising to people who already have an interest in your chosen niche. Sam Zahedi says that Solo Ad Solution will teach you the best places to place solo ads in order to generate maximum exposure and how to use this for maximum profits. Included for the price are access to a member’s only forum and lifetime support to Sam Zahedi’s PLR site and also his support through email or Skype. Continue reading

Trade Vigilante Review

What is the product about?

Trade Vigilante is a piece of trading software that allegedly uses a secret trading market that is used by banks and large corporations for profit.

What is the product?

Trade Vigilante is software that the seller claims taps into a top secret, super profitable by the top banks and biggest corporations in the United States to generate steady profits. This supposed secret trading market is apparently guaranteed to be profitable as it only follows predictable movements allowing anybody using it for trading can only profit. The seller claims that Trade Vigilante is entirely automated and because of the predictable nature of the secret management makes it minimal risk. In terms of the software the only information provided is that it was passed on to the seller by a secretive group of rogue traders who call themselves The Trade Vigilantes (hence the name of the software). Continue reading

Underground Binary Profits Review

What is the product about?

Created by Jacob Garrison, Underground Binary Profits is a piece of binary options trading software.

What is the product?

Jacob Garrison claims that Underground Binary Profits provides users with a decent revenue stream whilst requiring very little time or effort. According to him, Underground Binary Profits is specially designed automated software that is able to alter the odds in your favour when trading binary options. In fact Jacob Garrison claims that the chances of you profiting go from 50% right up to over 90%. How does his software achieve this seemingly amazing feat? Well there isn’t so much information about that side of things. All that Jacob Garrison says is that he came up with the idea as he was becoming more and more frustrated with not making money trading on Forex. Continue reading

Golden Goose Method Review

What is the product about?

Developed by Kevin Draper, Golden Goose Method is a piece of binary options trading software.

What is the product?

Kevin Draper says that Golden Goose Method is entirely automated and that you can profit by making trades as low as $20. In order to get access to Golden Goose Method you must sign up with Kevin Draper’s chosen broker, Banc 54. Once you are signed up you can start using Golden Goose Method which Kevin Draper says you can’t go wrong with as the software doesn’t allow room for error, mistakes or judgement as the software is entirely automated. He also says that Golden Goose Method is able to work quicker than other pieces of software allowing you to follow trends and exploit them before other traders. Continue reading

Rebel Betting Review

What is the product about?

Created by Simon Renström, Rebel Betting is arbitrage betting software that is designed to make identifying and taking advantage of arbitrage bets easier.

What is the product?

Simon Renström claims that he has created in Rebel Betting a piece of software that streamlines the whole process of finding and betting on arbitrage bets. When creating Rebel Betting Simon Renström says that he has put a focus on user friendliness without sacrificing the abilities of the software. In terms of features Rebel Betting offers users customisable alerts which will generate a pop up when certain criteria are met and a bet becomes available. Rebel Betting is able to streamline the arbitrage process in two ways, firstly it allows users to log into all their betting accounts when they log into the software. Secondly the built in betting browser allows users to have open multiple betting websites on one page at a given time. Continue reading

Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator Review

What is the product about?

Offered by Rita Lasker, Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is a set of Forex indicators that claim to be able to show market movements.

What is the product?

Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is a set of Forex indicators from Rita Lasker. They are Meta Trader 4 compatible and Rita Lasker says that they should be universal i.e. working with any time frame or currency pair. Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator shows entry signals but it is worth noting doesn’t provide any exit signals. To rectify this Rita Lasker recommends using one of her own products, Trailingator which leads me to believe that Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator is mainly a part of a sales funnel. In terms of the quality of Forex 5 Bar Reversal Indicator, Rita Lasker herself recommends trading in trial mode in the first instance and even confesses that she only uses it with other indicators as a trend tool. Continue reading

Video Marketing Workshop Review

What is the product about?

Created by Sarah Starr, Video Marketing Workshop is a training course that is designed to teach users about using videos to market their products.

What is the product?

Sarah Starr supplies the training for Video Marketing Workshop in the form of 11 video that are actually recordings of a seminar she held recently. The videos themselves last some time as the seminar was over two days. Sarah Starr says that through viewing the videos and using her techniques you can expect to learn how to maximise your search engine rankings, how to make professional videos (which is supported by a segment guest hosted by Jules Watkins, a network TV cameraman) and even discusses ways to host your videos for cheap/free. In terms of the actual information available, it is clearly based on Sarah Starr’s experience in online marketing. Video Marketing Workshop is fundamentally about allowing users to use videos to increase sales which Sarah Starr shows you how to do as well as reducing overheads through outsourcing. Continue reading