Stripped Down Binary Review

What is the product about?

Offered by Zoe Sinclair, Stripped Down Binary is an alleged piece of one click software for trading binary options.

What is the product?

Stripped Down Binary is a piece of binary options trading software presented by Zoe Sinclair. She claims that the software is simple to use, doesn’t require any expensive servers or any trading knowledge. In the sales pitch for Stripped Down Binary, Zoe Sinclair actually states that you don’t need a single skill in order to operate the software. In terms of how the software makes trades (a process Zoe Sinclair says is entirely automated), there is very little information presented.

Stripped Down Binary is one of a current trend of trading software that is linked with a certain broker (in this case Trader XP), and as is the case with these pieces of software, it appears to be more a case of a copywriter trying to win you over than providing anything of substance. The only thing that hints as to how Stripped Down Binary works is where Zoe Sinclair says that the software seeks out the hottest and most liquid binary options markets although this could mean anything.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

As is the norm with binary options trading software that is affiliated with a broker, Stripped Down Binary is provided free of charge although there is a minimum deposit with Trader XP. The returns are (as is also the norm) claimed to be extremely high figures, in this case Zoe Sinclair claims you can earn as high as $2,301,066 each month with no losses incurred. She then claims that you can earn daily amounts of anywhere between $300 and $4,000 daily.

Does the product provide value for money?

Stripped Down Binary is free so technically yes, it does provide value for money. This does not mean that I would recommend the product though.


As mentioned several times this method of marketing binary options trading software is becoming increasingly common. Whether Stripped Down Binary is offered by an affiliate with a view to earning commission or directly from Trader XP cannot be established but that link makes me somewhat suspicious.

There is no real evidence provided by Zoe Sinclair that the Stripped Down Binary is able to produce results and the story of how she obtained the software is dubious at best. In fact much of her rags to riches story plays on the insecurities of people who are seeking a method of making money online. I shan’t go into the details of the story but ludicrous is a word that immediately springs to mind. Because of this lack of faith I would not recommend Stripped Down Binary.