Cash for Codes Review

What is the product about?

Developed by Thomas Buckman, Cash for Codes is an affiliate marketing scheme that uses copying and pasting.

What is the product?

Thomas Buckman says that using Cash for Codes you can expect to generate massive amounts of income simply by copying and pasting a single line of code. He says that Cash for Codes is unique in the market and claims you can forget usual methods of affiliate marketing going as far as to say that you do not require a product, website or traffic to create a viable revenue stream. Cash for Codes is built upon Thomas Buckman’s Hypersonic Mesh Drive, the details of which he does not divulge claiming he doesn’t want to bore anybody. All he does have to say on the matter is that it is built upon technology that was designed for the location of and cataloguing of cells. As to how or why this software was modified is never explored. Continue reading